Here’s Dan (who heads up our US Sales) with one of our key US distributors at the International Deli, Dairy and Bakery Expo 2019.
One thing that lockdown and home working has driven across the world is the rise of Zoom and internet based video calls. There is no getting away from the fact that face to face interaction is a huge part of successful FMCG relationships; but when there is no choice then video calls act as a vital replacement.
This is none more so than the work we do in the US. Travel to the US since March has been near impossible and video calls have enabled us to speak with more retailers and foodservice operators in the US than ever before. We can be in San Francisco for breakfast, Texas for lunch and New York for dinner – without leaving our home offices.
This has worked in our favour as strengthen our relationships in the US and launch more and more UK brands into this market. We have experience in soft drinks, frozen, bakery, deli, vegan alternatives and many more categories and our distribution partners in the US make sure that these launches are smooth – simplifying the process for brands that may not have ventured here before.
The US remains the largest market for UK food and drink exports (excl. Ireland) totalling £2.2 billion in 2018; and it is easy to see why. Provenance plays a huge role in the brands we launch. The US seeks UK products for their renowned history and quality and retailers and foodservice operators across the States seek this point of difference from their competitors. Whisky, cheese and chocolate are famous for their heritage and it is no surprise these 3 categories are in the top 5 exported products into the US.
If you have considered the US but don’t know where to start feel free to give me a call. You may also be launching into the US or be ready to launch and need guidance as to breaking down the retail and foodservice landscapes. We are here to help and support your journey across the pond.
Dan Head